Size: 12 Hectares
Height: 1700 – 1900 m
Location: Santa Maria Dota
Coffee Varieties: Bourbon, Catuai, Geisha y Tipica.
Size: 12 Hectares
Height: 1700 – 1900 m
Location: Santa Maria Dota
Coffee Varieties: Bourbon, Catuai, Geisha y Tipica.
Finca Integral Didactica FARAMI started in 1993 when Juan Luis Fallas Mata inherited land for coffee cultivation, later joined by Maria Eugenia Ramirez Valverde. With support from the Ministry of Agriculture (MAG), the farm adopted sustainable practices in 2007 and established a micro-mill in 2010 for coffee processing and export. The brand “Farami” was officially registered in 2011, representing the family’s dedication. FARAMI gained international recognition by placing third in the 2013 “Cup of Excellence” and earned a three-star Blue Flag Ecological Award in 2015.
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